December 15, 2023

Sasaki Foundation Publishes 2022 Design Grants Research

Sasaki Foundation Publishes 2022 Design Grants Research

Check out our newly released 2022-2023 Design Grants Research Report to learn more about our fourth cohort’s work, offering innovative solutions to address food resilience, access to childcare, environmental justice, community infrastructure, and gentrification, with an ongoing impact in Greater Boston and beyond.

In June 2022, the Sasaki Foundation awarded $47,500 to five research teams, who spent the next ten months advancing and implementing projects that promote equity in design. The team members also met with Sasaki designers who provided design guidance and a deep breadth of knowledge about solutions to the challenges they faced.

The Sasaki Foundation continued to focus on community, housing, transit, health and wellbeing, climate, under the theme of Shared Voices: Charting a Course for Community Action. This theme recognizes that multiple futures are at stake, and we can make a difference by acting now. The projects are already having a significant impact in their respective communities and will remain as open source research with links to the project websites, to help communities that may be tackling similar issues. Metrics highlighting the impact of these projects are included in the report.

Through our research grants, the Sasaki Foundation seeks to harness the power of design thinking to promote equity and empower local communities, tackling global challenges through local action. Our 2023 Design Grants cohort is hard at work, and we plan to launch the next Design Grants call for proposals in early 2024. The program will continue to provide teams with access not only to designers at Sasaki—an award-winning international design firm—but also to the Sasaki Foundation’s broad network of startups, designers and planners, community groups, artists, civic leaders, and entrepreneurs.

For more information about the work of the Sasaki Foundation visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming programs and opportunities.